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Soil Dynamics & Liquefaction 


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One of our current research problems is in the area of soil dynamics and liquefaction. We are carrying out experimental studies to assess the dynamic and liquefaction behaviour of local soils. Further, we are also exploring various methods for liquefaction mitigation. The group are also carrying out analytical and numerical studies on soil-structure interaction problems as well.

Landslides Studies


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It is a well-known fact that the Himalayan and the Western Ghat regions are very landslide-prone areas in India. Our group are carrying out extensive works towards landslide hazard and risk assessment in the Himalayan regions. We have several collaborations with other faculty members in the Geomatics group and Computer Science Dept. of IIT Ropar for carrying out Remote Sensing & Artificial Intelligence-based landslide hazard assessment. Currently, we have two funded projects in the said area.  

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